
Events in Indian history from (300 BC to 2021)

Indian history from (300 BC to 2021)

Events in Indian history from (300 BC to 2021)

This timeline covers key events that have shaped India’s historical, political, and social landscape over more than two millennia.

Ancient Period (300 BC – 500 AD)

  • 322–297 BC: Chandragupta Maurya establishes the Maurya Empire, overthrowing the Nanda Dynasty.
  • 321 BC: Chandragupta Maurya ascends to the throne of the Maurya Empire.
  • 305 BC: Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus I Nicator, a general of Alexander the Great, and establishes a treaty.
  • 273–232 BC: Reign of Ashoka the Great, known for his support of Buddhism and the spread of the Dharma.
  • 185 BC: Fall of the Maurya Empire and rise of the Shunga Dynasty.
  • 100 BC: Emergence of the Satavahana Dynasty in central India.
  • 78 AD: Beginning of the Shaka Era, with the establishment of the Western Kshatrapas in western India.

Early Medieval Period (500 – 1200)

  • 600 AD: The rise of Harsha Vardhana as Emperor of Northern India.
  • 711 AD: Muhammad bin Qasim’s invasion of Sindh, marking the beginning of Islamic influence in India.
  • 1192 AD: The Battle of Tarain, where Muhammad Ghori defeats Prithviraj Chauhan, leading to the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate.

Medieval Period (1200 – 1526)

  • 1206 AD: Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate by Qutb-ud-din Aibak.
  • 1398 AD: Timur (Tamerlane) invades India, causing significant destruction.
  • 1526 AD: The Battle of Panipat, where Babur defeats Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, leading to the establishment of the Mughal Empire.

Mughal Period (1526 – 1857)

  • 1530-1540 AD: Reign of Akbar the Great, known for his administrative reforms, cultural integration, and religious tolerance.
  • 1600 AD: Establishment of the British East India Company.
  • 1615 AD: The first English ambassador, Sir Thomas Roe, arrives at the Mughal court.
  • 1636 AD: Shah Jahan becomes the Mughal Emperor; construction of the Taj Mahal begins.
  • 1707 AD: Death of Aurangzeb, leading to the decline of the Mughal Empire.
  • 1757 AD: Battle of Plassey; British East India Company defeats the Nawab of Bengal, marking the beginning of British control over India.
  • 1761 AD: Third Battle of Panipat; the Maratha Empire suffers a defeat by the Durrani Empire.

British Colonial Period (1857 – 1947)

  • 1857 AD: The Indian Rebellion (Sepoy Mutiny) against British rule.
  • 1885 AD: Formation of the Indian National Congress (INC).
  • 1919 AD: Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar, a significant event in the Indian independence movement.
  • 1930 AD: Mahatma Gandhi launches the Salt March, a significant act of civil disobedience against British salt laws.
  • 1942 AD: The Quit India Movement is launched by the Indian National Congress, demanding an end to British rule.

Independence and Post-Independence Period (1947 – Present)

  • 1947 AD: India gains independence from British rule on August 15; the Indian subcontinent is partitioned into India and Pakistan.
  • 1950 AD: The Constitution of India comes into effect, establishing India as a Republic.
  • 1965 AD: India-Pakistan War over the Kashmir dispute.
  • 1971 AD: India-Pakistan War leads to the creation of Bangladesh as an independent country.
  • 1984 AD: Operation Blue Star, an Indian military action in the Golden Temple, Amritsar, leading to significant controversy and unrest.
  • 1991 AD: Economic liberalization and reforms initiated by the Indian government, leading to significant economic growth.
  • 2001 AD: Indian Parliament attack by terrorists.
  • 2008 AD: Mumbai attacks by Pakistani militants cause widespread casualties and global condemnation.
  • 2014 AD: Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India; the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wins a significant electoral victory.
  • 2016 AD: Demonetization of ₹500 and ₹1000 currency notes, aimed at curbing black money and corruption.
  • 2020 AD: Implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) leads to nationwide protests.
  • 2021 AD: India rolls out COVID-19 vaccination on a large scale amid the ongoing pandemic.

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